How swollen is that left ankle? |
For the first few minutes, I was just in so much pain that I was just focused on breathing, trying to deal with the pain that was going through my leg. Then came the moment of denial - as I sat there for an hour, unable to move, I thought, hey, maybe it's not that bad, maybe I can still walk, maybe it will heal in a few days. But then the moment I tried to stand up, I realized that I could not put any weight down on my foot and it had swollen up pretty bad despite the fact that I had iced that ankle. Luckily we had a doctor who was present at the gym at the time and he said that it was unlikely that I had broken anything in that ankle. A fellow coach was kind enough to drive me home given that I couldn't walk at all and I spent much of last night in agony. If I wanted to go to the bathroom, I had to either crawl or hop. I had taken painkillers but still could not sleep from the pain. Eventually I did knock off and when I woke up, the swelling had gone done quite a lot. Here's the photo from this morning, taken about 15 hours after the initial fall.
Still swollen but much improved after 15 hours |
I also found that I could walk this morning - very carefully and slowly, but I am definitely walking. Well, limping more like. I have this awkward sideways shuffle which enables me to put as little weight as possible on that left ankle and it is working. I am also loaded up on painkillers so I am feeling pretty okay now if I sit still in a chair at my laptop, I just can't walk around very easily. The irony was that I met a woman on crutches just two days ago at my local supermarket, she was struggling with her basket of groceries whilst having both arms on her crutches. I helped her carry her basket and we chatted - she had broken her ankle whilst skiing in Chamonix and her spent 5 days in a French hospital. She had just spent 7 weeks resting (much of that with her ankle in a cast) and this was her first trip on her own to a supermarket. There was a part of me last night that was worried that it would be 7 weeks before I could even go to a supermarket on my own - but thankfully, it doesn't look that serious. It will probably take a week to recover at least - I am due to go to Manchester next week anyway so that would probably mean no training until I get back from Manchester. That is immensely frustrating for me, but I have little choice.
You know me, I lead a very active lifestyle and be forced to sit around like that for a few days, unable to walk around, run around as I wish and not go to the gym - that's just going to drive me nuts. But I have also had far more serious accidents before and I know I should be grateful that it wasn't more serious. So, if you know of any great medicines, remedies or ointments to help relieve the swelling, please leave a comment below. Many thanks for reading!
The medicine is called ice and staying off your foot.
ReplyDeleteIt is healing... slowly but surely!