Saturday 2 July 2016

'Cnoi yr llaw pwy sy'n rhoi bwyd' - biting the hands that feeds

Hello guys, shwmae? It has been ages since I've made a Youtube video in Welsh and I'm sick of doing the "hey this Asian guys speaks Welsh, how unusual/cute/etc" - I'm doing the one thing my mother has always told me never to do, to 'scold people' online. Sometimes I wonder if I am adopted because I always take great pleasure in doing things that my mother disapproves of - don't get me started, that's a very long list indeed. So much has been said about Brexit, but how about the situation in Wales, which is one of the poorest parts of the UK and like other more deprived regions in the UK, Wales has voted to leave the EU. What is going on over in Wales then, beth sy'n digwydd gyda Cymru? I'm not trying to answer any questions here, I am just here to offend the Welsh - in Welsh, of course. English subtitles are available as most Welsh people don't speak Welsh like me.  Many thanks for watching; diolch yn fawr iawn, hwyl fawr!


  1. Hi Limpeh/Alex, first of all, apologies for my comment being unrelated to this post but I wasn't able to find any other way of getting in touch with you besides commenting on your blog.

    I've been reading your blog for some time and though I don't agree with you on everything, I appreciate your insights on many issues, and find myself nodding along at most of your posts. I'm currently a mid-career late 20s Singaporean male and am having sort of a quarter-life crisis (though I might be a bit too old for that). Was hoping I could get your take on my situation, and what my next steps should be.

    I graduated from NTU with a second upper honours degree in communications/journalism, a course my post-A level self chose because it seemed more 'exclusive' than arts and social sciences at NUS. Unfortunately it turns out that I don't have the temperament (unlike you, I'm not glib enough to hob knob with people day in, day out) or the passion (to endure the low pay, and long, unpredictable hours) that a career in media requires. Also, and possibly most importantly, the news media in Singapore is pretty pointless (and struggling to cope with the whole digital tsunami that has hit the media landscape), and I stopped feeling any kind of sustained job satisfaction many moons ago. Long story short, I've been working in the news industry since I graduated and I want out. But most of my work experience is pretty niche (technical aspects of photo and video production and editing) and, in my opinion, difficult to transfer to another career. Even if I were to join, say the corp comms department of the civil service or a MNC, it'll be more or less same shit different environment. And that's not what I want for the rest of my life, to be slaving over editing a video that nobody really cares about, or worrying about how many views or clicks my article gets.

    On top of that, after travelling and getting to know more about the world, I'm quite keen on spending some time working overseas, specifically in Europe. But looking through the skills shortage list, I'm nowhere near qualified, and retraining for most of the health care related professions is out of the question because I was an arts stream student in JC, so I don't qualify for the relevant courses.

    Basically I'm aiming to get a non-media industry career where there's some semblance of meaning and decent work-life balance. Bonus but not a must if there's a possibility of eventually working overseas.

    I'm considering furthering my studies to enable me to transition to a non-media career that suits me better. I understand this will mean taking a huge hit in income and 'career ladder climbing', seeing as I will be entering a new industry at a relatively old age, but it's a sacrifice I'm willing to make.

    I'm currently looking at NTU's MSc in Information Studies with view to a career in data analytics or librarianship.

    My other (admittedly much more foolhardy) option is to apply for grad school in Germany, Finland or another country with tuition-free universities, and try to make something happen for myself during my time in the country.

    What do you think, limpeh?


    1. Hi JS, I know I will bust the word limit here in my reply to you, so I am gonna dedicate my next post to you, okay? Hang on in there.

    2. Here you go:
