Friday 15 May 2015

"Karma, really isn't that much of a bitch"

I had resisted the urge to comment on the latest Amos Yee incident regarding his false allegations against his bailor Vincent Law and his subsequent fake apology. Of course I am furious at Amos Yee for pulling such a dumb ass stunt like that - slander is not a joking matter and Vincent Law could have sued the Yee family over this. I hope they realize how lucky they are that Vincent Law isn't taking this any further given the severity of the case for now (as if the Yee family don't have enough to deal with as it is). As for Amos, congratulations - you've just proven that you deserve to be punished and you've alienated yourself from those who were initially on your side (like me) but can no longer in good conscience stand by and support your crazy actions You can't just try idiotic shit like that as if you're in a consequence free environment: there are consequences for you, your family, Vincent Law and his family as well.
In light of this... meet my friend, Karma.

Whilst I don't believe that Amos Yee should be punished for his LKY video on Youtube (nor for that picture of LKY and Thatcher he circulated), I do believe strongly that he definitely should be punished for the false allegations he made against Vincent Law. No one was hurt after they had watched Amos Yee's Youtube video, nor were any minds corrupted by the rudimentary sketch of LKY fornicating with Thatcher. Come on, if can you seriously get turned on by that drawing? If I wanted some porn, I could easily get so much free porn of very high quality. Just go to and search for the word 'porn'. Yes the whole case against Amos Yee makes a complete mockery of the Singaporean justice system and it makes the PAP look like complete fools: but just as Amos Yee thinks he can emerge as some kind of martyr, he has lost all credibility and alienated himself from even his supporters. I wish to state clearly that I am no longer one of his supporters despite the previous posts I have made about him, in light of what he has done to Vincent Law. What he did was very wrong and I must express my solidarity and support for Vincent Law.

Amos seemed to think that the fact that he found Vincent Law 'immensely creepy' was sufficient grounds for him to make allegations like that. Regardless of Amos Yee's opinion of the way Vincent Law came across, being 'immensely creepy' simply isn't a crime in Singapore (nor in any other country) and it doesn't give you any justification to make such false allegations. This is why I feel that NS may be the best thing for Amos Yee right now - I have come across a lot of people in NS whom I felt were indeed 'immensely creepy'. I had to work with them, live with them, get along with them and the fact that I disliked them didn't make it any easier for me - but such are the harsh realities of life. It was a far cry from my life as a student in Singapore, where I found it quite easy to avoid classmates whom I disliked. Thus NS did prepare me for the working world, where I had to work with far more people whom I found 'immensely creepy'. Amos - NS awaits you and it may actually do you a lot of good. He's turning 17 this year, unemployed and not in school - enlist him already. Sending Amos off to NS might be the break that his parents so desperately need now
NS would probably teach Amos a lesson or two that he badly needs to learn.

For all the people who are talking about Amos Yee as some kind of prodigy and genius, well, this was a huge mistake on his part. Who is going to trust Amos Yee in the future or even believe what he has to say, knowing that he is the boy who cried wolf? Would anyone care to help him out in the future, knowing that he wouldn't hesitate to bite the hand that feeds for a laugh? This was such an act of self-destruction, of shooting oneself in the foot and one wonders that if Amos Yee is really supposedly so intelligent, how he could have made such an incredibly stupid mistake like that? What is going on in Amos Yee's head? Which makes me wonder, is he really that smart or are there just some glimmers of intelligence in amongst a horribly tangled mess of immature teenage angst? (Roy Ngerng, you're getting very close to Amos Yee, I'd watch my back if I were you.)

Vincent Law has kindly accepted Amos Yee's apology and will let the matter rest - I feel that Vincent Law has been rather too kind in this aspect, especially in view of the fact that Amos Yee showed no regard for the fact that Vincent Law has lost S$20,000 of his hard earned money just to bail Amos Yee out as a matter of principle. I wonder what poor Vincent Law has done to deserve all the crap he has received from Amos Yee but I do believe that someone needs to show Amos Yee that what he has done to Vincent Law is very wrong. Justice may not always come in the form we would like - but if Amos gets sent to jail this time, I will not feel sorry for him.  This does remind me of an incident that happened over ten years ago when I was working full time in sales within the financial services sector.
I used to work full time in sales within the financial services sector.

I had been pursuing this Swiss company for a long time and they kept putting me off - then as Sod's law would have it, the one week I went on holiday, they called up and were willing to finally sign on the dotted line. I was not in the office so a colleague of mine who answered the phone dealt with them and claimed that, "they weren't completely convinced at that point so I had to step in and close the deal at that point - hence I deserve half the commission." The bosses agreed and I was forced to split my commission with her. I was convinced she was lying, so I confirmed this with the client who told me that they had already decided to do it and that my colleague had simply processed the paper work - she didn't need to "close the deal" at all at that stage. This colleague had a habit of sucking up to the bosses, so they were close to her. I argued my case but they didn't believe me and of course, I was furious. Then as fate would have it, that very week, one of my American clients whom I had close earlier that year had decided to cancel a rather large order they had placed - according to the terms and condition of the contract, if they had canceled their order, they were still entitled to a partial refund (and if they canceled early enough, it could be up to a 90% refund). I was dreading the words 'claw back' - that was when the salesman had to pay back to the company the commission that was already paid out (technically they would just take it out of your next paycheck). I was looking at a huge 'claw back' as I could now only claim commission on the amount that wasn't refunded to them.

But guess what happened? I waited: week after week, for someone to finally bring up the matter but no one actually did. The dreaded 'claw back' never happened - I waited and waited and nobody said a word about it. The director who was supposed to have processed that 'claw back' simply forgot about it - she must have been extremely busy that it simply slipped her mind and no one else in the company bothered checking with her if it was done. I certainly wasn't going to say a word about it - so to my surprised, that 'claw back' simply slipped through the net. I did some calculations: the amount of the 'claw back' was about the same as the amount I lost out when I was forced to share the commission with my colleague who muscled in on my deal with the Swiss client. Now we call that karma fixing the problems and injustices in life: I would have loved to have seen that bitch of a colleague get run over by a bus for her underhand tactics, but at least I wasn't financially any worse off when the 'claw back' didn't happen. There was some kind of divinity ensuring that justice was served at the end of the day - the outcome wasn't perfect, but I'll take it, thank you.
I didn't lose any money at the end of the day - justice was served... kinda.

So in the Amos Yee case, it is ironic that he is punished for the crime that he really shouldn't be punished for, but pardoned for the far more serious harm that he had inflicted on a kind and innocent man. In an ideal world of course, I would have liked to have seen that put right - for him to be pardoned for voicing a political opinion but to be punished severely for the horrific slander he made against Vincent Law: but such is the messy reality of the world we live in. As long as we get the right result at the end of the day, perhaps we shouldn't look too closely at the details and just be grateful as we realize that things could have been far, far worse. So for now, if I may conclude by quoting the words of Amos Yee from his famous video, "karma, really isn't that much of a bitch".

As always, please do leave a comment below and let me know what you think. Thank you very much for reading.
Update: Please read Amos Yee's latest attack on Vincent Law. My response is simple: even if Vincent Law wasn't a pleasant person, even if Vincent Law unwittingly imposed himself on Amos, trying to help Amos when Amos did not welcome his attention, there was still no justification for the kind of underhand, despicable attack at Amos launched on Vincent Law. If Amos wasn't prepared to agree to the terms that Vincent Law had set for being his bailor - then they should be parted ways amicably. Like Amos, I am an atheist as well but I simply do not believe that this should be any justification to treat Vincent the way Amos did. Both parties made silly mistakes: Vincent bit off way more than he could chew when he volunteered to take on Amos' case (what were you expecting?) and Amos didn't know how to resolve this amicably with Vincent. Sure it is a big ask for a 16 year old kid to resolve a dispute with a much older adult amicably, but what is the alternative? To get into more trouble than one already is in? No, there wasn't sufficient justification for Amos to have done what he did, even if Vincent Law's intentions did come across as questionable at best.

Is Amos oblivious to the fact that he is about to be sentenced on the 2nd June, that is just about two weeks away? Why is he doing something like that which is likely to convince the judge that he does not deserve leniency? At the end of the day, perhaps Amos has an axe to grind with Vincent - I can see that from the way he writes about their encounter on his blog: but is this really the time and place to exact your revenge? Couldn't you have waited for a slightly better time - or maybe not, maybe Amos expected to rot in jail for a long time and decided that it was now or never. But still, very few people are going to be sympathetic to Amos Yee in light of this latest development. He can wax lyrical all he wants on his blog and you thought I was long-winded? Have you seen how long Amos Yee's blog posts can be? It's a complete TL;DR. Amos, I shall leave you with another saying that goes like this: when in a hole, stop digging already.


  1. Amos Yee is just being an immature kid, as far as it seems to many, but by contrast, I am sure that karma is not even getting to the stage of indicting Kong Hee and associates even despite all the amassing of evidence against them and the testimonies against KH. One asks, is there even going to be any verdict at all, looking at the way the case has dragged on? Amos Yee's case was settled so expediently within a few weeks such that I did not even know what to say about the system of justice in Singapore.

  2. You are 110% right on, Alex. I have no more patience with Rosemary's baby --- Amos. The fact that he is getting punished for hid videos which ought to have been ignored but not for this lie about Vincent Law tells us the system is so flawed. I feel very strongly about people who lie to get others in legal trouble. Even if he did not mention the alleged molestation, just calling Vincent creepy is rude and uncalled for. He had no trouble with Vincent's $20 000, but he had no qualms calling him creepy. What a jerk! If I were Vincent, I would sue him and his family and get my pound of flesh --- my $20 000 + damages pound of flesh. Amos --- you are EVIL and STUPID. You think you are so intelligent just because you articulated your liberal views. However, you have proven to the world that you are nothing more than a foul-mouthed evil teenager who is too stupid to even navigate around your environments. I hope Vincent Law changes his mind and pursues legal actions against you. You think you are so different and above everyone else, but you are beneath the soles that Vincent walks on and the people who previously supported you. IDIOT!

    1. Let's see how the next few weeks develop in light of this episode. He will be sentenced on the 2nd June and it seems he is doing everything he can to make the judge want to punish him, he's giving the judge no reason whatsoever to show any leniency. Let's give him what he wants - a jail sentence. He wants to be a martyr.

  3. Limpehft, I sense that you are becoming weary of Amos' antics - well, most of us are. In any case, Amos just posted a rather lengthy blog entry ( accusing Vincent Law of 'emotional abuse'.

    To me, this entire saga is like a train wreck - everyone knows it wouldn't end well and yet, we simply can't avert our sight. Few, like you, would very graciously proffer sound advice. Alas, they are wasted on Amos. The problem with Amos is that he isn't farsighted. He also thinks he is always right and only he, himself, can prove otherwise. This is why your open letter, or anyone's for that matter, will not change his stance. (I also wrote a piece on why Amos should migrate, if possible, seeing that this is the most pragmatic option atm.) Moreover, Amos is mixing with the wrong crowd (Roy Ngerng).

    I have no doubt in my mind that Amos is intelligent although he is definitely not a 'genius'. You can observe this from the way he does things. Amos certainly does not hold back when lashing out at his 'enemies', be it the government, media, Vincent, his father or cousin. He behaves rashly to achieve his goals, resorting to whatever means possible. Only when he gets mired in some sort of trouble does Amos realizes the consequences of his actions. In short, he takes things as they come, which isn't a characteristic of 'geniuses'. Despite my disdain towards SAF, I actually agree with you on this. I believe Amos will emerge a more matured and wise man after NS. Unfortunately, I do not foresee this taking place soon enough. All we can do as bystanders is to comment and watch as Amos hurls himself onto the path of self-destruction.

    P.S. I'd think he still has quite a few tricks up his sleeve. We'll see how those play out.

    1. I have updated my piece (read the last two paragraphs) in light of Amos' latest post.

      What needs to happen next is that Amos needs to serve whatever sentence is handed out to him - if he is not going to jail, then he needs to be enlisted ASAP. His parents have totally failed to control him - let's see if the SAF can work their magic. Why not let the SAF have a go? I'm sure there'll be plenty of people who will have the mindset of Vincent Law in there - I would run a mile from someone like Amos Yee whilst Vincent Law made Amos his personal project. I'm sure there'll be some super enthusiastic officer who will ask to make Amos his personal project. Someone needs to break his spirit one way or another before that kid ultimately does something to destroy himself - right now he thinks that he is invincible and can do no wrong.

  4. Hi Limpeh, have you read Amos's latest blog post (

    I do not know if I should believe him or not...but if the post is true, he is one hell of a psychopath. A low functioning psychopath who can't plan for his future.

    1. I have updated my post (read the last 2 paragraphs I have added) to reflect upon this.

  5. Never have I thought I would see the day when you would actually recommend NS :)

    It's no wonder Amos doesn't have any friends. He has nothing but scorn and disdain for everyone; in his blog post, even Roy and Jolovan weren't spared his tongue lashing. Makes me think about his meet up with Alfian, Ivan and Glenn; wonder what he thought about them... He appears to have a bad case of megalomania.

    1. Well like I said in the post, life is never perfect and sometimes the solutions we are offered are probably going to fix things not quite in the way we'd like in an ideal world but if at least they will address some of the imbalances and put things kinda right. Like the way I was forced to share my commission but didn't have to pay the 'claw back' - now in an ideal world, I would have gladly surrendered the claw back and chalk that up to bad luck whilst gladly accepting the full commission for the Swiss deal; but hey, that wasn't what happened but you know, whatever, I still got the right amount of money at the end of the day so I took that and moved on. That's all you can do in life.

      Amos is indeed a megalomaniac who thinks he is above everyone else and just 24 hours in NS would break his spirit as he is ordered to scrub some muddy drain or toilet bowl. I didn't enjoy NS either but hey, Amos is Singapore and has that obligation and right now, it feels right for him to do a stint in NS and if he doesn't make it out of Singapore, then he has plenty more reservist activities to look forward to.

      Karma, really isn't that much of a bitch, eh?

    2. I think he intentionally made his post TL;DR --- in order to justify his accusation of molestation using an archaic definition of molest: To disturb, interfere with, or annoy (thefreedictionary)

      Alex, what do you think of Amos' point about Law that Law threatened to use the very same laws that he wanted to protect Amos from in the first place by volunteering to be his bailor, even when there were others who volunteered and he could just as easily let them bail Amos instead. I think he may be on to something here.

      "...he is now threatening to use those exact same laws that he went against, to sue me. And yet you all claim that his intentions were genuine."

    3. Good question Kishan - one that I cannot do justice to right here, so please await my next post where I will cover some of these tricky questions. Thanks for your comment.

    4. It's a fundamental right to sue someone for libel. Being a Christian does not mean being a doormat to let anyone step on you. There's a time to be humble and a time to stand up for yourself. That being said, Vincent should have let it go and not make a statement to sue Amos. Amos craves attention and accusing someone of molestation gets him press time. On the other hand, Amos feels he's above everyone and exacting retribution on every perceived wrong. He doesn't care about anybody. He cares about free speech only because he's a victim.

      In "The Molestation Of Vincent Law", Amos shit on Public Enemy, not just on their performance but also on their integrity. It's in the middle part of the writing, do a search on "Public" and you'll find it.

  6. Such a waste. I also was initially sympathetic but with all his recent "xiao" behavior, I simply lost it. His video injured no one but that allegation against Vincent Law did. And the reason he did it was he felt imposed by Law and he wanted to troll the media??? I just can't see how this is of any benefits. He basically has shot himself in his head and one more sympathetic supporter had basically lost all brownie points for him. I really do not understand what he is thinking or trying to achieve. Waste of talent sigh. #doublefacepalm

    1. I think we do see eye to eye on this one - look out for my next post where I will tackle some of the issues raised in your comment.

  7. One clarification - as far as I know, Vincent did not lose 20k. He did not even have to put up 20k, just sign a document that says he will forfeit 20k if Amos does not show up for his court date. This does not, of course, change the fact that he stepped up as bailor.

    As for Amos, I don't think the chap understands what consequences are. He has no career to speak of, no school to be expelled from, and if he gets fined or sued, his parents take the hit. Therefore, whatever he has done up till now, has been with the mindset of one who has no consequences to deal with, and to garner as much attention as possible - both positive and otherwise.

    This guy does not want the same thing as most other people. He doesn't want a job, he doesn't want an education, he doesn't want friends. And he most definitely does not want to play by the rules. He feels he's above all that.

    How do you advise someone like that? You don't. In his world, you're either with him or against him.

    Vincent made the fundamental mistake of assuming that Amos would appreciate his efforts, that he could be convinced to alter his stand against Christianity. And yes, I agree that Ngerng should watch his back. He tried to use Amos's case to stick it to the PAP (not that I have a problem with that), but when he claimed that Amos is smarter than many people, he forgot to include himself in that assessment. The kid knew he was being used, and didn't see a need for gratitude of any sort.

    And oh yeah, in the windbag stakes, Amos trashes you soundly.

    1. Thanks for the clarification ref: the 20k bail money .

      I will try to talk about Vincent Law in my next post.

  8. As an aside, "karma" technically is not a "bitch", because the word in Sanskrit itself just means action, and hence, can be both good and bad. Amos Yee probably cares little for anyone or their opinion of him, as most people have already stated here and elsewhere, but in some ways, he is at least consistent in terms of being for himself only. In the short and long run, it is just a way of trying to crash himself like an egg against a hard wall, although I guess that provides some extra dramatic relief before the real sentencing on June 2.

    The few people (in the hardcore anti-PAP crowd) who tried to use him for what he is worth, such as the Online Citizen covering Amos Yee as if he is some hero unspoken of, and Roy Ngerng choosing to put his lot in with Amos prior to the debacle over the "molestation" and then washing his hands off it immediately upon its disclosure, just show you how they are as hypocritical as that Vincent Law who threatened to withdraw his bail if Amos would not meet up with him. I never saw Amos as a hero from the start, but neither did my views of these few people who tried to lionize him change for the better because of their reactions to Amos.
