Wednesday 3 September 2014

إلى اللقاء Ila al-liqa, I'm off to Tunisia

Hello everyone, merhaba. OK guys, I was hoping to pump out an article this week before I left for Tunisia but good grief, it has been hectic. Work got busy at the last minute and I also got more and more ambitious in terms of the amount of Arabic I wanted to learn before going. I had already completed the basics, like Arabic 101, so I was tackling the far more complex stuff. I have started packing and by the end of today, I will be in Tunisia.

I just wanted to share with you what I did today - I found out that there is a Tunisian Tourism Office in London within like a 10 minute walk from where I live. So I popped round to say hello, not quite wondering what kind of reception I'd get - now this wasn't some kind of shop on the high street where people just walked in, this was an office unit in an office block and it was not at all obvious to the people walking down the street (they are at 77A Wigmore Street) that they were there. But hey, the gentleman who say me dropped what he was doing, took out a map of Tunisia and we chatted for like 30 minutes. He told me where to go, what to do, what to eat/drink, where to avoid (there are terrorist activities near the Algerian border in the West and South of the country - which ruled out trips to Dougga and Tataouine) and I left with loads of useful literature and maps, now I don't even need to buy a guidebook, how about that?  
So yes, do check if there is a tourist info office of the country you're visiting in your city and pay them a visit. Yes we can get a lot of information on the internet, but nothing beats sitting down with a local and getting some useful maps and literature and it's all for free. OK time for some much needed sleep, I still have to finish packing in the morning, yikes... I'm back on the 10th September, so apologies for the radio silence until then as I am not bringing my laptop with me. I'm be out riding camels and tracking down Tunisian love rats for my dear Di Talasi. Ciao, إلى اللقاء Ila al-liqa!


  1. I actually have two drafts on the go - one is a nearly completed article on being effectively bilingual, the other is a more thoughtful piece about Chinese Americans who have an identity crisis. Both pieces need refining before I post either and I simply don't have the time to do that right now when I have like 1.5 hours to pack before I go to the airport!!

  2. Enjoy your trip, didn't know Di was the type to get into Tunisian love rats. Maybe 7 year itch for her?

    1. No lah, she wouldn't want a Tunisian love rat. Trust me, Tunisian men are not... refined. Sorry if that sounds extremely harsh, but it's a cultural thing. They dress poorly (I chalk that up to the very hot weather), don't understand western manners and there is just a huge cultural difference between them and us.

      I say a western woman would have to be pretty desperate to fall for someone like that - and there are older women who clearly lack social skills and would never ever attract a man on the merits of her character, that's why Tunisian love rat types can sniff out the vulnerability in someone like that and prey upon them.

      Knowing Di, if she was in Tunisia with me, she would say, "eugh, no thanks" if she saw these Tunisian men as I get the feeling she is after a more refined kind of lover, she likes class.

      I have so many stories to tell from my trip - I just got back tonight... Akan datang, African stories!

  3. Eeeeew! Tunisian love rats not for me, lah! Alex was going to get the low-down stories about the rats because I was interested in his original blog. BTW, Alex, long exchange between you and Cristelle. I did not see it until you mentioned it in a later blog.
    Alex, how do you get me so well? That's scary since you have not even met me. I am more of an Anderson Cooper type of gal. John John Kennedy, Fox Mulder, Hugh Jackman (he can sing and dance and still act tough), George Clooney (that villa in Tuscany interests me, but he also does a lot of good work --- damn that woman who snared him!), CNN's Sanjay Gupta (yumz!), .... Oh, not to mention my ultimate male specimen --- Mr. Darcy, a.k.a., Colin Firth. So many men, so little time ...
    Love rats may carry STDs. Also, I imagine them greasy and creepy. Granted, Richard Gere in American Gigolo was quite delectable. I need a drink now. (Lips smacking!)

    1. Let's see what I make of your test in men!

      Anderson Cooper = YES
      John Kenedy = can you specify which one?
      Fox Mulder = that's a character rather than a real person but yeah I would say YES
      Hugh Jackman = no thanks, all yours
      Clooney = YES on a good day
      Gupta = YES
      Firth = YES
      Gere = YES
      As for love rats - I have no idea what they are like in the STD department, I just hope the women who use their services insist on using a condom.

  4. Anderson Cooper = hands off, he's mine. I know his orientation, but I can make him switch teams
    John John = the son. Dead but what pedigree but never mind that, what good looks!
    Fox Mulder = I know he's just a character, but he was such a tortured soul. Smouldering good looks. I want to sayang him
    Hugh Jackman = ok, you leave him with me.
    Clooney = I did not like the younger version, but he has aged gracefully and developed character substance.
    Gupta = I love modern and intelligent brown men. Probably has mother issues like my brown husband, though.
    Firth = perfection. He made Mr. Darcy ever so sexy.
    Gere = now, HE has a rat story! I can watch him squint all day.
    Looks like we agree on men for the most part.

    1. Anderson Cooper = didn't you get the memo? He's gay.
      John John = okay point taken
      Fox Mulder = nothing like David Duchovny in real life though.

  5. Like I said, I can make AC switch teams.
    Why is it that the men I like are either gay, dead, fictitious, or have mother issues? CRAP!
