Friday 23 May 2014

Two Housemates Episode 4 featuring Limpeh

Hi guys, I hope you're all well! In case you're looking for something to watch this weekend, may I recommend a new web series called Two Housemates because it's pretty good and also because I make a guest appearance in episode 4. This is a project that involves a couple of actor/comedians whom I had worked with in Belgium last year so when I was approached to do this project, I thought yeah why not - I enjoyed my time working in Belgium and it'll be a laugh. I didn't quite get some of the comedy in the script (as an actor I do not get a say about the script) but I had faith in the writer/director's vision. Have a watch and please let me know what you think. Thanks for reading (and for watching).


  1. its pretty kool, nice blog u have here! :)

  2. Hey Alex, have you heard of PM Lee suing Mr Roy over the CPF defamation post? Would love to hear what you think about it.

    1. Hi Alyssa, you know I was going to write something about it but I kinda feel that I have covered most of my points in my last post (my response to this VTO Pap guy). The sentiments are the same: if you wanna live in Singapore, there is a price to pay. It is like renting a room in a big house - the landlord gets to decide what the house rules are, what the rent is, when you have to pay the rent etc and if you are not happy, then you have to either put up with the conditions or find somewhere else to live. Cos you know exactly what will happen if you confront the landlord, "eh, why you raise the rent hah? Liddat very unaffortable leh." The landlord will just turn around and say, "you buay song then you go somewhere else to stay lah, you leave here other people (from China, Philippines, India etc) want to rent your room."

      Such is the harsh reality of living in Singapore. I do think that they have this sense of entitlement - they expect the PAP to sayang-sayang them like a loving parent when in reality, the PAP have a far more business-like approach to the way they govern the country. So as for Roy Ngerng's blog post .... that's just like an unhappy tenant bitching about the landlord online - whilst I believe in the freedom of speech etc, I can only shake my head and think, "what the hell were you expecting Roy?" Like seriously.

    2. I am working on a different article today (that on Singaporeans First - the new party) - but I may revisit this issue later in the week (before I go to Sweden on Thursday) if I have enough time. This Roy Ngerng case is gonna drag on and on for a while yet - so I'm in no hurry to blog about it as I watch for the latest developments on the case. Akan datang.

    3. So far, I think people in UK have reacted rather badly to it - as seen on twitter when a user compares the party to UKIP and BNP. I am waiting for the reaction from the UK media.

    4. OK Alyssa it is ready

  3. I bet your mom did not ever think that the gymnastics would ever come into use. I actually watched from beginning to end. She's not a prostitute, but what was she?

    1. Hi there Di. No my mother always thought that my gymnastics is still a waste of time and she just doesn't get it - but then again, neither does my father and it well and truly pisses me off. But then again, what can I expect since I have not lived in Singapore for so many years?

      You know, recently my sustained an injury and my father told me to stop training because gymnastics is "just a sport" and I was like geez you think I would get to work with Rowan Atkinson's project if it wasn't for my gymnastics skills? How can you say it's "just a sport" when it opens so many doors for me? My sister interjected and supported me (oh the power of Skype), she said that when she does sports, it's just to keep fit and lose weight but when I do sports, it's a vital part of my career. She gets it, my dad is clueless. Sigh.

      (Back to the show) I don't know what she is - I have to watch the next episode. :) I have worked with many of these actors before in Belgium so when they did this project, they wanted me involved in a very physical role (given that I was jumping off balconies, somersaulting off tables and stairs in Belgium...
