Friday 12 June 2015

Limpeh's Italian Q&A on Alvinology

Hi guys, I have just uploaded my latest piece of travel writing on Alvinology and it is a Q&A compilation to deal with some common questions about visiting Italy as a tourist. I hope I have covered the most commonly asked questions but if you have any others, please leave a comment below and I will answer them. Thanks for reading, grazie mille!


  1. Hi Alex, do you think that the LGBTQIA (lesbian gay bisexual transgender queer intersex asexual) community will one day be accepted by society?

    The recent "Wear white" and "Pink Dot" events feels very confrontational and hostile...

    1. Hiya Dakota. Let me explain what has happened in the West and I will compare that to what you see in Singapore. In particular, I will talk about the UK, where I live.

      In the UK, one gets the impression that the LGBT community is openly accepted by society - this can be seen from the way we have so many openly LGB MPs who keep getting elected and some even become ministers, holding extremely high positions of power. In some other countries like Luxembourg and Iceland, they even have LGB Prime Ministers! You can never get this number of LGBT politicians actively involved in politics unless the voters in the country are willing and happy to vote for an openly gay/lesbian/bisexual candidate and that is certainly the case in the UK, where the majority of people are happy enough to vote for an openly gay/lesbian/bisexual MP at election time. The UK currently has the world's largest number of LGBT MPs in our current government, making our government the most gay ever. :)

      But guess what - the religious people still hate the gays. The Christians, the Muslims, the Jews alike - the vast majority of them are still very homophobic but it is just as well that the UK is generally a country which is very secular and the number of people who regularly go to church number just 7% currently, so actual practicing Christians are in the minority in this country, so even if every single Christian hates gays, then guess what? It doesn't matter, we can't ever expect to have consensus on the issue and as long as the majority are okay with gays (as evident by the number of openly gay MPs elected) - then we have long accepted that the religious people hates us gays and we hate them too: such is the status quo. No gays will never be accepted by that religious lot the same way that religious lot will always be rejected by the gays.

      The hatred goes both ways.

      Does that help Dakota?
