Friday 20 January 2017

София, България! Sofia here I come.

Hi guys, Здравейте! I had been hinting that I was going to Sofia for a while and finally, I've booked the flights. The trip is six days long, but really the first and last days are traveling days, so I only really have four full days in Sofia. I'm excited for several reasons: again, it is one of the countries I've always wanted to go to and I am busy studying Bulgarian now. Oh yes, any reason to study a new language! I remember going to Warsaw in the middle of winter and seeing a majestic Eastern European city in snow - I'm definitely looking forward to Sofia by that token as it is very cold there right now, it is way below zero and one can even ski in the nearby Vitosha ski resort. That's something for me to look forward to in the first week of February. Oh it is going to be a fun trip. Many thanks for reading guys! Благодаря.


  1. Hey limpeh I am back. I just finish school. anyway I really like your blog it was so interesting. could you do a blog about what is a difference between NT and NE. and how they are being treated. it will be really interesting. if you want ;)

    1. The answer is no. Because I know so little about the topic. Listen dude, I was a scholar, I had 3 scholarships - I went to the best schools in Singapore when I was a student. You probably need to as ask a secondary school teacher in Singapore, that'll be the best person who can help you. I can't help you here, you're coming to the wrong person.

      But here's the short answer: if you want me to tell you that oh it doesn't matter blah blah blah and make you feel better about yourself. I won't do that. Tough, you should have studied harder, done your homework and gone to at least a poly and not ended up in ITE. You made some bad mistakes and are paying a high price for it. You've made life harder for yourself. Society isn't going to be kind to you. In short, tough shit, you've messed up. Society isn't going to be nice and forgiving to ITE students.

      That's my short answer. Now if you have questions about the difference between NT/NE, go speak to a teacher. Not me. It's not my area of expertise and I'm not interested in answering your questions. And when will you learn that I won't tell you nice things to make you feel better?

    2. @GalaxyLord
      For the sake of those who are so out of touch with the Singapore Education System, I suggest that you might need to spell out what NT and NE is.

    3. This kid has gotta learn to ask the right questions to the right people.

      1. I don't work in education.
      2. I don't live in Singapore.
      3. I've not lived in Singapore for 20 years.

      How the hell would I be able to provide an informed opinion about NT/NE. All I know is the simple mentality of Singapore: you need to study hard because there's streaming. There are 3 streams (if we disregard the integrated programme which allows students to bypass O levels and only work directly towards A levels): express, normal academic, normal technical.

      If you're smart, then you end up either in the integrated programme or the express programme. If you're stupid, then you'll end up in the normal programme. And if you're really stupid, then you end up in ITE. Like what the fuck do you want me to tell this kid? Why do you think he ended up in ITE in the first place? You ITE students want me to tell you everything's going to be alright despite the fact that you're at the bottom of the food chain? Grow up and have a dose of reality. That's why Wei Ping, I haven't got patience for this kid. Look, he's royally fucked. He's done so badly in the Singaporean system. He's soooo fucked. What do you want me to say?

      There's nothing I can say about the Singaporean Education system that's going to change the fact that he's screwed, royally. He's so fucked.

    4. This comment has been removed by the author.

    5. Sigh. Nobody ends up in ITE by choice. People will always prefer to go to a university and get a degree to become a highly qualified engineer who can earn big bucks, rather than a technician which is as good as it gets with the ITE vocational type training offered. If this kid wants me to sayang-sayang him and offer encouragement, he's come to the wrong place. I only have a bitter dose of reality for him.

      @Galaxy, you're so fucked. I can't help you. You're fucked. See ya, wouldn't wanna be ya.

    6. well i am not that fucked as you think. I just want to know the truth that's my life. I want to learn about the world. I know that I fuck up in my pas or maybe the Singapore education system is making children less intelligent (actually Most school make children less intelligent)
      don't get me wrong here take a look at this video:
      And here another one:
      now I am not saying I am right but I think he has a point.

  2. @GalaxyLord EX

    I agree that Weiping that you might need to spell out what NT/NE means. Is it NT/NA? I have not been to ITE before, but I know that in Singapore education system, only choosing a JC will be a "right choice" because you have the highest chance to go to a local university. Even Poly students (like me) have difficulty getting accepted into NUS/NTU. However, I would like to speak up for JC students instead and I would not think it is unfair to say that JC students are "treated better", if that is what you trying to imply. That fact is, many Poly/ITE students tend have this stereotype upon JC students being "well-behaved, nerdy, anti-social etc." and that JC students are "less capable in hands-on activities, only know how to study". I have even heard worse comments (especially in NS) that JC students are "hypocrites, fake, sly etc." because they are "too smart". Let me tell you upfront that all those remarks are utterly disgusting and childish and they have no basis and are not objective at all.

    Being a Poly student myself, although seeing JC students having an upper hand in competing for a placement in university, I still think that we have to recognize that only JC provides that internationally recognized high-school education with a variety of subjects and offers a standardized test for university entry. Whereas for Poly and ITE, they are specialized in only a certain subject/field that does not offer a standardized test and a range of subjects in both science and arts. However, places like UK and Australia do recognized Poly diplomas for university application.

    Hence, I think it is rather unfair to make such claims on JC students as they are just doing what every student in any other country would do.

  3. jeez. I just want to know what you think. and gain more information. look if you don't wanna tell me that's okay. and I don't need your sympathy thank you very much.

  4. oops I accidentally type enter. NE meana Normal Express

  5. Actually if you want information you should go to Google and not here. I am just trying to understand why you need this information.

    1. Thank you. Especially since I've made it very, very clear that I'm NOT going to say anything nice to Galaxy. Why does he keep coming here for the abuse then?

    2. i mean not kind of abuse funny. it is really fun typing and commenting with you

    3. You come here claiming you want advice and information, you claim you want my opinion. Well here's my honest opinion:

      You're fucked.
      You have no future in Singapore.
      You're going to spend your adult life going from one very lowly paid job to another, it is going to be a total misery. Tough shit. I'm sorry but I don't have good news.

      And that's my opinion. I however am not interested in your opinion Galaxy. You wanted my opinion and I gave it to you. If you disagree, that's your business - I honestly don't give a shit what happens to you. So don't come arguing blah blah blah and posting youtube videos etc - I really am NOT interested. If only you'd spend your time and energy fixing the problems in your life by studying harder, rather than coming online, looking for arguments with strangers.

    4. hey thanks for your opinion. probably one of the nicest comment I read.
      also hope you learn something from my posted video. also enjoy your cold weather.

    5. you know limpeh, we could make a interesting comment. But you decided to make a abuse and lame comment. we need to make a interesting comment so that teenagers like me will know what is going on alright.

    6. No, I am not interested in talking to you. I think you're uneducated and stupid. I would like to chat to interesting, well educated, intelligent people. Not you. Get used to it.

      Now go away.

  6. Enjoy your trip, I might be coming your way soon since i was selected to do an overseas industrial placement program this year. But since i'm not sure which country they will put me in it is still up in the air. Dublin and London are 2 of the choices though.

    1. Great! London is a great city but expensive - transport, accommodation. How long is the placement for?

    2. Probably 1-1.5month based on previous batches. But the final details are yet to be confirmed.

  7. by the way limpeh (hope you can remember your past). are you from elite schools or neighbour schools?

    1. If you're trying to bait me into saying something nasty about people who end up in crap schools, well let's put it this way. I have nothing against other people - where they end up studying is really none of my business. But you, I do want to offend you as you're a user who doesn't know when to stay the hell away. You're only going to be insulted and abused when you come here.

      For the record, I went to RI after acing my PSLE. Then I went to VJC on an MOE humanities scholarship and a SSC Scholarship after getting excellent O level results. Then I got a scholarship to do my undergrad studies at UCL in London. Please, people like me don't end up in neighbourhood schools - they're for the dumb kids like you.

      Now go away.

    2. hmmm so you are from elite schools I see. so that means your environment of learning is different from neighbourhood schools. that explains it.
      I think you should look at this blog:

    3. Look you don't get it do you dumbass?

      You are quite keen to tell me what you think.
      I really don't give a shit what you think.
      I listen to people I like, I respect. I neither like nor respect you.
      I think you're a loser, you've fucked up so badly you've ended up in ITE.
      Why should I listen to a loser like you?
      No, you're nothing. You are a stupid little piece of shit.

      I'm responding because I like insulting idiots like you.

      Perhaps if you go to some other forum full of other idiots from neighbourhood schools or ITE, then those stupid people will listen to what you wanna say.

      But please go away, this blog and comments section are for more educated people. Not idiots like you. You're so fucking stupid. Go away. Do you understand 'go away'? Nobody is interested in what you think because you're a total idiot.

      Get out of my elite uncaring face you buehtakchek loser.

    4. oh pls you are no special than any other human. and this is your best comment. oh pls I see worst abuse than that. trust me. and yea I maybe a ite student but that doesn't me I am dumb. you can't call a person dumb by their result. and did you even look at a video that I just post (maybe not). but hey I think you are a cool guy ;)

    5. No, I don't want to look at a video that you recommend because you're an ITE student and I look down on you. Look you still don't get it do you? I think you're trash, I think you're shit. I am only approving your comment so I can continue to abuse you and tell you how fucked up your life is. Maybe my readers are kinder than me but I'm certainly not interested in talking to stupid kids like you or looking at anything like videos or other blogs you may like. Go away.

      You are trash. 你是垃圾。

    6. Oh and Galaxy, I deleted your long rant about elite schools - listen, nobody gives a shit what you have to say. Your opinion doesn't matter. I saw how long it is and just hit the delete button. You are trash, you are shit. I'm not interested in your opinion. Get used to it. You want people to listen to you, you should gain their respect first. You can shout all you want but nobody will listen to you because you're a loser, you're a pathetic little piece of shit. Bye.

    7. ok bye I don't give shit to you too. you are just like any other else. you know nothing as well. I have a lot to say about our society. but you decided to be abusive how lame. and this is your best argument comment. heh heh heh. wow and you just delete my interesting comment how ignorant of you.

    8. You are a delusional fool. Your comments are not interesting. Nobody here finds them interesting. Even I don't want to read them. You can't even write in half decent English - no wonder you ended up in ITE because you probably failed your PSLE. I swear there are primary two kids who write in better English than you.

      You want to be heard, you want people to take interest in you and your opinions but guess what? You're a piece of trash, you're boring, you're a loser and a failure and nobody gives a shit about losers like you.

      I'm perhaps being cruel, evil and mean by being so abusive to you - but you need to realize that you're not interesting at all. Just because you have something to say doesn't mean that anyone here actually gives a shit what you have to say.

      Go away. We are not interested in talking to you. You're a pathetic little piece of shit.

    9. GalaxyLord EX, I sincerely believe that you have some mental/psychiatric issues. You don't need to hear from Alex or read his blog. You need to see a doctor or a counsellor, now.

    10. Dave, he's a dumb kid, a very immature one. He's yet to learn a few very important social skills, maybe he's even autistic, I don't know - or just plain stupid. I have made it very clear that as a highly educated, highly skilled, wealthy 40 year old adult with a highly successful career, I quite honestly don't give a shit what some dumb teenager in ITE thinks or has to say. I honestly think that he's some dumb kid - he's welcome to read my blog and learn from me but he's so wrong if he thinks I am even slightly interested in anything he has to say. And I've made that explicitly clear. He might have better luck talking to his peers - maybe they will be more a bit more patient than me. But no, he doesn't do that and even though I must have used the words 'go away' and hurled so much abuse in his direction ever since he started posting comments - he keeps coming back for more. I am guessing that he's a social outcast at ITE, that he has few or no friends at all in school and his parents probably don't spend much time with him either. So he turns to the internet and thinks, oh this blogger responds to me and I may be only person who gives him any kind of attention - for him, even the abuse is some form of attention which is better than isolation and loneliness.

      An important lesson he has yet to learn is that just because you have something to say, it doesn't mean that anyone is going to listen to you. He posted so many messages about how awful and elitist people like me are and I just deleted them all just to annoy him as I knew he must have spent ages composing those comments. I'm afraid he's the kind of person who thinks that if people don't listen to him, he's just going to shout. Well my dad's like that cos he isn't eloquent enough to use the power of persuasion, so he resorts to volume. But in this case, Galaxy just resorts to flooding the comments section with so many comments - that's his form of shouting. Does that make me (or anyone here) want to talk to him? Nope. I'm just going to ban him from now. Poor kid's probably very lonely and has no one to talk to.

    11. This morning, I woke up to a lot of comments from Galaxy which I promptly deleted without reading. See what I mean about 'shouting'? People like that shout when they don't know how to express themselves eloquently and communicate with others - flooding a forum is his version of shouting online. But bwahahahaha, this is a moderated forum and the kid doesn't understand the meaning of the words 'go away'. I'm just going to keep on deleting his comments until he finally gets it. Dumb kid. Like how hard is it to understand that this is a moderated forum and I'm simply going to delete all his comments without even reading them?

  8. @GalaxyLord EX Stop looking at others for opinions. You should start analysing articles and videos to form you own opinions. That way you stop jumping from one talking point to another and can defend your opinions when under attack.

    1. Chaoaniki, I doubt he's really interested in any of our opinions. He is a lonely kid with no one to talk to and desperate to talk to anyone. We are, however, not the right audience for him. He would have better luck reaching out to his peers, no people old enough to be his parents (that's me, not you).

  9. @LIFT btw any thoughts on the recent Trump inauguration? I watched his speech and it was heavy on platitudes and light on details. Like he is saying he is going to put American workers and Made in America goods first, but how? I doubt he can even deliver a fraction of all that was promised during his campaign period.

    1. I don't know Choaniki - I have so many thoughts about it, I may do a full length post to cover the topic.
