Friday 14 October 2016

LIFT Vlog Episode 80: Berlin in an afternoon

Guten tag! Here is the latest episode of my vlog, from Berlin from my recent trip there. I pushed this one out whilst it was fresh in my mind, but I still have two episodes from the Dominican Republic to edit and one more from America. Work is getting so crazy busy that it is beginning to take over my life. Aargh. With the whole Brexit thing hurting the pound, I could sit around and feel sorry for myself as the pound devalues - or I can just work a lot harder, earn more and make up the difference. Oh, you know what I am like. So here it is, Berlin in just 7 hours flat - enjoy. Vielen dank!


  1. How easy is it to travel in Berlin for travellers with 0 German skills?

    1. Berlin is totally easy and very tourist friendly. Most signs (in tourist attractions, bus stations, train stations, shopping centers etc) are bilingual or multilingual (minimum English, often available in French, Spanish, Italian, Polish etc as well). Anyone under the age of 30 will speak English very well and most between the ages of 30-45 will speak some English. The only people you would struggle with are the older ones 45+ who grew up in an era when English was not an important part of the education system, particularly those who grew up in communist East Germany - Russian was the compulsory second language and most were not allowed to learn English at all as it was the language of the enemy. So yeah, I have encountered people like old bus drivers over the age of 45 with whom I simply had to speak German as they spoke zero English - but I imagine in such a case, you could simply ask the nearest young German person nearby to help translate and they are mostly friendly. I had to ask for directions to my hotel (they booked me into a small hotel v near where I had to work, but it was in the middle of nowhere, you get the idea - I'm sure you've done business trips like that). I asked one young person and immediately two others joined in with their phones and they all spoke fluent English - and this was in a small station, in the middle of nowhere quite late at night.

      Berlin has a BRILLIANT public transport system - get a day ticket (7 euros i think) and it will give you unlimited travel on all public transport all day.
