Friday 4 September 2015

My review of Long Chim @ MBS

Hello guys, here is the first (of many) of my travel writing pieces from this trip. Come take an epic journey for your tastebuds at Long Chim, a wonderful Thai restaurant at MBS. I usually do travel writing but I am trying my hand at food review. I wanted to do a piece that wasn't just "ooh they gave me all this delicious food for free so I am gonna tell all my readers to go eat there." So I hope I was able to give you an insight into the Thai dining experience at Long Chim - please have a read and let me know what you think, especially how my writing style compares to other food critics. Many thanks, kob khun krub!
Chef David Thompson at Long Chim


  1. Well done. Detailed with the description of tastes and ingredients. Made me want to go go try it. I wouldn't be able to afford it, though. Must find a rich relative to treat me.

    1. Hi Di, thanks for your encouragement!

      Surely your husband can be that rich relative?

  2. Hubby could be talked into spending money on food for sure! Just have to make sure my in-laws do not tag along. Hahaha! I am so naughty. Must go to confession.

  3. Hi Limpeh what do you this of this "nightmare"? ( It is so ridiculous right? Can't believe it gets so many shares! :(
