Wednesday 12 August 2015

You know, when I ask you to leave me a comment...

Hello again. Guys, you know how I usually end my blog posts with the same paragraph that goes something like, "that's it from me on this issue, please let me know what you think. Leave a comment below, many thanks for reading." Well, I think I need to clarify something as one of you took it a bit too literally. You see, this person has somehow managed to find me on Facebook and tried to add me as a friend but given that I have nothing in common with her, I have limited my interactions with her on blogger. I have recently stumbled upon the messages she has left me on Facebook - you see when people whom you don't know send you messages on Facebook, they end up in your 'other' folder rather than your 'inbox'. I opened my 'other' folder today and good grief, she has left me a LOT of messages.
Most of it consisted of critiques of my pieces, almost like a teacher marking a student's work. I just found it strange to say the least - like even if you didn't like what I wrote or disagreed with me, then just leave me a comment here (or avoid my blog if you found my writing that bad) and I always welcome anyone to voice their opinions here. But she was trying to tell me what to write on my blog, how to write it and what topics I should stay away from and I was like, woah - weirdo, back off, like I don't even know you? Listen, when I want your opinion, I will ask you, thank you.

One of the principal aims of my blog is to get people talking about topics that are important - I have managed to write quite a few provocative pieces, offering an alternative take on a current news story and have stimulated a lot of very interesting debate amongst my readers. I am, however, not looking for individuals to try to critique my writing style or offer me feedback directly about my writing like that. The focus should be on the topic - be it education, politics, fashion or travel, rather than on me per se. Really, the topics I write about are far more interesting than me, you know? There are times when I do talk about myself and share very personal stories, that's when I invite my readers to give me advice on difficult situations that I really cannot solve easily. But those are rare occasions, most of the time, I just want to give you food for thought on the issues I blog about - the focus ought to be on the issue and not me.
As I scrolled through the messages left by this readers for me on Facebook, I'm like, woah what makes her think I'd take her critique seriously? What makes her think I'd do as she says? I wonder if she tries to reach out to Taylor Swift, Nicki Minaj or Rihanna and offer them some useful advice as well as to how they should make their next album or what songs they should perform whilst on tour? What is it about our modern culture, where we get so used to customer service that we think we can influence anyone and everyone? But herein lies the difference: if you stay at a hotel and have a bad experience, you can complain to the manager and he will have to deal with your grievances. You are a paying customer after all. But when you are reading my blog, you're clearly not a paying customer. I am offering you the chance to read an interesting piece for free and then join in a debate about the issue - but you do so voluntarily, you're not a customer on my blog: you are but a guest. So your relationship with me, the blogger, is not quite the same as the one you have with the duty manager at the hotel (who is patiently listening to your complaints).

I am just gonna ignore this crazy woman. I don't wanna engage my trolls. I just hope she wakes up to the fact that she has no influence over people like me, as if I am going to take her seriously. I wonder whom else she inflicts her good advice on in real life? I am very fortunate to have some wonderful readers here whom have become my good friends, my regular readers know that I have formed a friendship with them through this blog over the years and we have developed a kind of mutual respect between blogger and readers. Thankfully the vast majority of my readers are sane and wonderful people! Okay, thanks for listening to me get this off my chest. Feel free to leave a message below but that doesn't mean I am going to do as you say if you leave me a message. Yeah? Understood? Good. Kum siah.


  1. OMFG, Limpeh...I had the exact same experience you did. One of your readers found my blog through a comment I left on your blog, followed me ALL the way to my FB, and decided to leave me a long ass comment about how blogging is immature (without even address any of the content I wrote- exactly like what you described here). If you hadn't specified this weirdo was a "she", I may even have thought we both attracted the same stalker.

    1. Hahahahaha. Unreal right? She was like, "how dare you write another article on this topic? I told you to stay away from that topic!" As if I take orders from her - like who does she think she is, my editor?

    2. He even tried to bring in my job and my employers in his FB message to me- yeah right, I rarely even discuss my role in my workplace on the internet, and there he is making all kinds of presumptions about me like he knew me so well.

    3. Yikes! Troll, stalker... What is it with him?!
