"I was actually surprised to see the entire bus full of one nationality. This was the first time that I encountered such a situation. I intended my post to be a humour, but it was taken badly by some quarters. If it was in bad taste, I do not mean any disrespect to that nationality."
Now this is where Tan's English fails him. Allow me to explain why and how he had gone terribly wrong even in that apology. Now firstly, it is clear what had happened: Tan boarded the bus to find that it was full of Indian people. How can he then make any assumptions about the nationality of these Indian people then? Did he verify the passports of every single passenger on that bus? They could be Indian nationals, or maybe they were Singaporeans or Malaysians - maybe they had Bangladeshi and Sri Lankan nationals in there as well. Many Singaporean Indian friends feel extremely offended when Chinese Singaporeans assume that they are foreign and not Singaporean - and quite rightfully so! I refer you to the case study of Singaporean comedian Haresh Tilani where so many stupid, idiotic and racist Chinese Singaporeans made assumptions about his nationality based on the colour of his skin.
The word that Tan should have used was 'ethnicity' - hence the sentence should have read, "I was actually surprised to see the entire buss full of people of one ethnicity." This would explain quite accurately what Tan had witnessed without making any assumptions about the nationality of the Indian passengers on the bus. There is a huge difference between ethnicity and nationality: as a man of mixed-ethnicity, I find this to be a highly sensitive issue as I hate it when people make any kind of assumptions based on the colour of my skin and they often jump to the wrong conclusions. Tan really needs to be more tactful and choose the right term, because if I was an Indian-Singaporean, I would take serious offence at Tan's statement. Surely anyone serious about politics in Singapore would be very careful when talking about anything like that but not Tan. Hence I am more than happy to call Tan a stupid fool. Whether he is genuinely racist or not is another matter, there's no doubt that he is an idiot. But let's move on to his next error.
Is Tan really a racist or was this just a silly mistake? |
He wrote: "I intended my post to be a humour." Allow me to cringe so hard I will fall off my chair. Where do I even begin? How about the broken English? I know what he is trying to say: "I intended my post to be a joke." He could also say, "I intended my post to be humourous." He is clearly struggling with the English language here as he doesn't know how the word 'humour' should be used in this context. If you insist on using the word humour as it is, you could also say, "My intention was humour." The word humour is like the word weather, sympathy, confidence, courage or strength. You cannot quantify it - hence you cannot say for example, "I used a strength to lift that heavy box." No, the correct way to express that sentence would be, "I used some/a lot of/a little strength to lift that heavy box." Likewise, with the word confidence, let's try this sentence. "I had a confidence to do it." That would be wrong as you can't count "confidence" as such: one confidence, two confidences, three confdences etc - the correct way of expressing that sentence would be, "I had the/some/enough confidence to do it."
Like the same token, you can't count "humour" - Tan had intended to use humour but not only had it misfired, he had also demonstrated that he doesn't understand English grammar. Why does this matter so much? Am I simply being cruel and elitist by picking on Tan over a minor error in his English? Or does this really an important matter in today's world? Now in a recent post, I talked about an English teacher in Singapore Mr Dan, aka Angmohdan. He is a British expat who makes a very good living in Singapore teaching people how to speak English properly. Now why are people willing to pay good money to someone like Mr Dan to polish up their English? Should it really matter if someone does make the occasional error like, "a humour"? Should we really be splitting hairs over English grammar like this?
Despite the fact that we all go through many years of formal education, not everyone uses their brains to make a living. Jobs can be divided broadly into two categories: white collar and blue collar. White collar workers are those who use their brains for a living rather than their muscles: examples include teachers, accountants, lawyers, doctors, bankers and politicians. Blue collar workers are those whose jobs depend far more on their muscles rather than their brains: examples include gardeners, janitors, cleaners, waiters and maids. Then there are some which are hard to place: a taxi driver gets to sit down all day and doesn't even stand up, there isn't that much muscle strength involved in his job, but would you consider a taxi driver a white collar worker? Likewise, successful professional footballers need to be extremely fit to perform well in their matches - by that token, it is a blue collar job but the best footballers can earn far more than many lawyers and doctors. But we wouldn't have any hesitation putting politicians into the white collar category: people who use their brains to earn a living - thus we can expect them to be fairly intelligent and articulate.
This maths teacher uses her brains to make a living. |
English grammar can confuse even English people and yes, there are English people who speak English very badly. The example I always use is "you was" - this must be one of the most common mistakes made by working class English people. Now it doesn't take a genius to figure out that you really should say "you were" in a sentence like, "you were not here yesterday." But you would be amazed how many English people would make that mistake and say, "you was not here yesterday". I do not bother to correct people when they make a mistake like that, but I can't help but notice and involuntarily, I do pass judgement on them in my head. At the very least, it shows a lack of attention to detail and it does indicate that you come from a social class where people really don't care about education. If someone did say "you was" during a job interview, I would think, "if you can't even be asked to pay attention to your grammar during a job interview, how careless are you going to be handling other matters at work?"
Would I care if my taxi driver spoke to me in broken English? No I don't, as long as he drives me to my destination safely and quickly. Would I care if my waiter spoke to me in broken English? Again, no I don't, as long as he brings me my food quickly enough. Would I care if my lawyer spoke to me in broken English? I would actually, I would be very alarmed. This is because I am paying my lawyer good money for to use his brains to serve me - I would assume that someone who is smart enough to get a law degree from a reputable university would be able to speak English well enough. After all, we are taught the bulk of the basic rules of English grammar in primary school - you would not be able to get through your PSLE English language exam if you didn't understand basic English grammar. No, you don't want people to have that #facepalm moment when they think, "aargh, even my 8 year old nephew/niece/son/daughter can write in better English than you do." Tan's "a humour" gaffe would still fall under the PSLE English syllabus and any primary 6 English teacher would take out his/her red pen angrily and mark out Tan's error with a big cross.
Should we expect our politicians to be well educated? |
If you are unable to even handle the basics covered in the PSLE syllabus, should you really be trying to use your brains to make a living rather than your muscles? If you can't even string together a sentence in grammatically correct English, how are you going to win the confidence of voters? You may argue that oh the average man in the street in Singapore probably speaks broken English too - but does your average Singaporean want to vote for a man who is stunningly brilliant or someone who is as incompetent as he is? The bar is set very high for those who wish to enter politics as it is the ultimate popularity contest. Certainly a politician who makes grammatical errors like that is quite unforgivable - it does send out a simple message that he cannot speak English but why? Is English a foreign or second language for him? Did he go to a bad school where the teachers were terrible? Or is he, for want of a better word, just plain stupid? I'm afraid many people would simply assume that he is indeed plain stupid and I'm afraid in the world of PR and marketing, once your image is tarnished, it is very hard to repair. Certainly, this isn't the first gaffe that Tan has made which has made him appear extremely stupid.
Am I being overly cruel? Perhaps. Are there professions who may struggle with basic English or arithmetic but are still good at their area of expertise? Certainly. However, I am looking at the matter entirely from a PR and marketing perspective since that is what my background is. Look at the way major brands like Starbucks, Nike, Coca-Cola, BMW, Apple and Prada control their PR and marketing image. Millions are spent on their marketing campaigns to ensure that the public gets a very good impression of their brand. A major PR gaffe like the notorious Macadamia nuts incident can cause a major brand like Korean Air millions of dollars when their reputation is instantly tarnished, undoing millions of dollars worth of marketing campaigns in an instant. Hence why should PR in politics be any different then?
The people who make such investment products are not stupid - on the contrary, they are extremely intelligent yet they recognize that they cannot do everything themselves. Thus they are more than willing to outsource this particular function to me, because they know how good I am at my job. What I do is hardly unique, around the world, there are thousands, even millions of marketing experts who write speeches for politicians and CEOs to make even the most inarticulate person sound reasonably eloquent, even witty. "Just stick to the script I have given you word for word, memorize what you can and just read the rest you can't memorize. Do not improvise, do not stray from the script and everything will be fine." I remember how I had to do that for a client some years back and when he delivered a joke that was in the script, the audience laughed. He ran back to me later saying, "I told that joke and they laughed, that has never happened before!" Of course, that's what you pay me for - to make you look good, to make you look interesting and even funny. It is really not easy trying to make people laugh: best leave that to the professionals.
A) Sit down with your son anyway and stare at his textbooks, despite having no clue how to solve any of the problems presented before you. But you try anyway and guess what the answers should be, leaving your son more confused than ever and he goes on to flunk PSLE maths. Oops.
B) Spend some money and hire a very good maths tuition teacher for your son so he will do well in his PSLE.
By the same token, if you know that you're not good with English, you're not funny or witty and you keep making gaffes on social media, good grief. Why hasn't Tan Kin Lian employed someone to do this for him yet? I am amazed at the way politicians in Singapore are getting away with so many gaffes and the public can still be so very forgiving, giving them the benefit of the doubt each time. Why is this so? Can this be a sign of Singaporean's blind faith in the PAP? Or are they simply clueless when it comes to confronting a bad politician? Or might it be that practically all Singaporean politicians are just as hopeless as each other, so there's no point in picking on the PAP as the opposition is just as clueless when it comes to PR?
I don't know, but given the way I have used to my politicians in the UK being a lot more eloquent and articulate, I think Singaporean politics would just drive me absolutely crazy. I would find it intolerable. Perhaps my Singaporean readers can help shine some light on the issue for me, especially since I've been in the Europe for so long and our politicians here are usually articulate, eloquent, they dress well, speak eloquently and some of them are even pretty good looking (I kid you not). So, please let me know what you think in the comments section below, many thanks for reading.
Luckily he is not the President of Singapore
ReplyDeleteAs we say in Hokkien, "Heng-ah!" The fact that he was even a candidate in the first place in baffling - I must do a follow up to analyze why someone like him was even accepted as a presidential candidate in the first place and what this tells us about Singaporean society. I fear many of my readers may not like my conclusions if they are in Singapore, but I love being provocative.
DeleteI don't think you are cruel, Alex. It's a fact. If you do not have a good command of English, do not take on a job that requires that you do. It's that simple. We all have weaknesses. Mine is that I hate blood and have no patience for sick people. Hence, I am not a nurse. It doesn't mean I am a bad person. It just means that if you are sick, you wouldn't want to be taken care of by me. I am not nurturing that way. In the same way, if I do not have a good command of English, I would not try to work in public office of such high profile. Why? Because I would embarass myself, my family, and my country. If I do want the job badly enough, then I would improve myself and my public image by hiring someone like Angmohdan and media/PR consultants. It's just common sense. This guy has no common sense, and he wants to be the president of a modern country like Singapore? I know the president is merely a figure head, but he would still be in situations that require grace, wit, intelligence, articulation, temperance, and many other factors. He should not be a goon.
ReplyDeleteMaybe cruel isn't the word for it - I think I can be guilty of judging Singapore with very British, very white, very European eyes... ie. I impose my Angmoh standards on an Asian society where the norms are different. What is acceptable in Singapore may be totally unacceptable in the West and vice versa. I find it laughable that someone with zero charm, zero PR skills and such a poor communicator can even contemplate entering politics (well he did lose his deposit in the elections after receiving a measly 4.91% of the vote) - but mind you, I am not exactly impressed by Tony Tan either, but at least Tony Tan has never made a total fool of himself the way Tan Kin Lian has.
DeleteI have to do a follow up post. But right now, I need to go to bed. It's 2:30 am and I got back from a fancy dress party at 2 am and just had a bowl of instant noodles - whoopee! I feel like a teenager again! You saw my pics on FB, right?
Yes. I saw the pics. Lol! You looked so young and giddy with delight. Happy for you. About the idiot we were talking about --- I too tend to impose my Western values onto Asian contexts. However,some things are just common sense. Like you said, man with zero wit and charm should think many times over before considering politics.
DeleteTan Kin Lian is Chinese-educated, so that accounts for why he cannot simply speak well in English. But that said, the issue with his apology is simply the logic underlying his remarks. If the people in the bus are all Chinese or Chinese-looking, does that then mean he is in Singapore, since more than 70% of the country is arguably Chinese in heritage in one way or another? That does not appear to be so, since he could conversely be feeling as if he is in the People's Republic of China too. So, if you push the logic further, for him to feel "at home in Singapore", does he have to hear nearly everyone in the bus communicating in Singlish???!! I can seriously say that this is an impossibly tiring argument, just the same way some people claim that athletes who represent Singapore in sporting events abroad should speak Singlish to represent the country......Not every Singaporean even understands or speaks Singlish either, so he is probably making a big mistake by barking up that tree.
ReplyDeleteSurely being Chinese-educated doesn't give him any excuse to be xenophobic, racist and tactless like that. His comments were just so crass.
DeleteOf course not. I am just trying to say that his Chinese education compounds the problem of bad logic even further. As the common saying goes, "If you have nothing good to say, then do not even say it at all."
DeleteYeah right. Chinese educated from Griffiths Primary School and Raffles Institution (1962 to 1965). He came in second at the School Certificate examinations.
DeleteHe certainly does not even sound one bit as if he was educated at Raffles Institution with his broken syntax and grammar! Maybe Chinese was his first language at RI LOL.....
DeleteAs a former RI student, allow me to offer my 5 cents worth .... The standard of English varied amongst my classmates. Some spoke English very well and some others struggled throughout their 4 years there. You only need to do well enough at your PSLE to gain a place there, that was no indication that you would be actually any good at English as an adult. The determining factor was the home environment: I was lucky that I had 2 sisters to speak English to at home and they were the main reason why I was able to cope with English very well. There was this classmate who spoke only Mandarin and Hokkien at home and the only time he spoke English was when he was at school with his classmates - needless to say, that affected the standard of his English. Don't get me wrong - he was a bright kid, English simply was not his first language because of his home environment.
DeleteSo let's not make any assumptions about guys from RI being able to speak English well. You never know.
Now that you mention the politicians being unimpressive and lacking in eloquence in Singapore, I suspect that you might have hit the nail on its head with regards to something. In Singapore, the eloquence of the speaker or the quality of what he or she says is seriously inconsequential, given the logic that the current government has of pasting money over everything in the hopes of making things appear better with money. For example, to attract more people into the civil service, what do they do? Raise the civil servants' salaries in the claims that will lower the possibility of corruption and attract more moral people into the service....If you have a potential political figure who does not get his speech or appeal to the citizens right, what do you do? Well, paste more money all over the place by getting state-run media in the newspapers and television to continue giving air time to that person and interview him or her, making him or her out to be some kind of messianic figure or family guy or girl.....It is largely a "money makes right" kind of attitude. Tan Kin Lian was probably one of a kind in the way he ran his campaigns when contesting for presidency, because he spent loads--I seriously mean loads from the looks of a former friend who volunteered for him(what can I say except that maybe my friend also does not know better?)--from his savings and days as a NTUC chief, and even enlisted his more socially ept daughter to speak on his behalf during rallies. But the other PAP-sponsored politicians are no better because they are mostly running on the same premise of 'money makes the world go round'. (You know that saying of 'youqian neng shi gui tunmo', in other words, 'money can swallow the ghost'.) I have never seen this before in politics as run by politicians and campaigners in western countries, especially Canada, or even in more developed east Asian countries like Japan or South Korea.
ReplyDeleteMaybe this is the result of the lax immigration of Singapore rules He may have the support of the majority people who hate PAP a lot.
ReplyDeleteThe xenophobic statement came out due to the frustration of many Singaporean who lost their job due to the influx of foreigners.
Who know, if the opposition become the government, the majority Singaporean who hate the PAP will migrate back to Singapore as the opposition will make Singapore into a better country with Strong rules to kick out all foreigners working in Singapore and turn the country into something like Japan where every Singapore will be proud of their work and career with 0% foreign talent.
Limpeh has written about this before. If Singaporeans think that way they're stupid. Foreigners aren't the problem the policies are. Ass holes who profile people based on the colour of their skin should be taken to task at every opportunity.
DeleteI don't think any country - not even Japan - can have a 0% foreign talent situation. Maybe the only place in the world where that is the case if North Korea, but even then, it is hardly a formula for success, is it? It is only because N Korea is run by a madman dictator.
DeleteI am sorry but you have to get real about people like me returning - I have left Singapore soooo long ago in 1997. I have built myself a life here: I have friends, family, a job, a network of friends, I have found my place here in London. In sharp contrast, I have cut off all ties with Singapore - I barely even talk to my own parents anymore. There are some people like my 2 sisters and some old friends who make the effort to keep in touch with me, but apart from that, I would return to Singapore a total stranger who gets lost trying to figure out what bus to take or which exit to take from the MRT station. Once you spend like 5 years out of Singapore, that's it - there's no going back.
The greater problem with Singapore in terms of its inability to get its citizens and former citizens to return and settle down again after years abroad also has to do with the antagonism that Singaporeans have towards those who leave. There is a politician who used to repeat that tired rhetorical dichotomy of "quitters" versus "stayers" (we all know who he is), but the irony of his rhetoric is that his own daughters either married Brits and got British citizenship, or got a job in the USA and became a resident alien in the USA. Kelvin Tan has a very naive and uninformed attitude about this, because there is a sizeable number of Singaporeans and former Singaporeans(those who have citizenship elsewhere) who will not be accepted when they get back to Singapore, not so much because they are unskilled (to the contrary, these are mostly professionals), but because Singaporeans have rejected them as "quitters" either out of antagonism or jealousy. Let's be realistic. If they cannot even be kind to their own citizens, what is there in it for these citizens to come back since they do not feel a sense of kinship or belonging?
DeleteKelvin, are you kidding me? Japan has 2-3% of foreigners, and they are foreign talent. They got into the country because Japan really needs them. For example, I was one of them, employed in a public university to lecture and teach the Japanese as a native speaker of English, because I was educated in Canada.
ReplyDeleteI have lost count of the number of times I've been called a foreigner based on the colour of my skin. I vividly remember this particular incident when I was in secondary school. I was so profoundly offended that I cringe when I think about it today after all these years! So I had forgotten to bring my textbook for a lesson can't remember which one, and I was asked to stand outside the classroom. That was necessary apparently. So anyway this teacher walks by, and asks me why I was outside. I explained what happened. And then she asks where my family was from, and If I was Pakistani. As if I have to be from somewhere just because Of the color of my skin! AND THEN THIS IS THE BEST PART. She said that if I didn't have the ability to afford school books, I could always apply for financial assistance! So not only did I have to be foreign based on the colour of my skin, but also poor! My goodness. I will never forget that day. And this is only one of the innumerable instances.
ReplyDeleteRacial profiling is rife here you wouldn't believe it. Especially in the last couple of years. And you got it spot on with tan kin lian. What was he thinking? Is he even capable of thinking? How could he tell that the south Asian gentlemen on the bus were not Singaporean? Well, whatever it means to be Singaporean has been degraded to irrelevant superficial aspects of people such as skin complexion. And the government still teaches kids about the four races horseshit, when we clearly are so much more than that. Imagine what a Filipino kid, who could have been Singaporean all his life, would think when the social studies textbook says the country only has people of four ethnicities?
Ivanovich, you are not alone here in being singled out. People do not believe me when I say that I am Singaporean whenever I get back in to visit my family, simply because they think that a Singaporean cannot possibly be pale-skinned! What the heck! Must I show you some identity card so that you will not harass me based on assumptions that I am PRC, Japanese, Eurasian or Korean? Singaporeans have simply not been taught adequately enough in school to realize that race and ethnicity are not the only viable ways of knowing someone's identity and character......and then, since some of them claim that I have a North American-sounding accent when I speak in English, they assume that I am Eurasian and half-white on one parent's side, and hence assume I am foreigner and then bring out the xenophobic guns.....shivers....
DeleteHi Alex. Nope, I do not think you are being too cruel and hard on TKL. If one wants to be a politician or run for public office, one has to expect to be subjected to scrutiny and critical comments from the public. The level of scrutiny and accountability for what you say or do will obviously be much higher than a private citizen. So I do believe TKL is probably not going to kick a fuss that he is being criticised in public.
ReplyDeleteBack to your last paragraph on UK politicians being more eloquent and articulate in comparison to their Singaporean counterparts. I thought the reasons are pretty obvious - majority of them in Singapore came from the civil service and have grown up in an environment of pseudo democracy with an authoritarian touch. With the media being state controlled and the ruling party effectively being granted carte blanche decision making authority, there is no need for them to bother much about PR and marketing. Lets face it - pR and marketing to me involves considerable soft skill and you must know how to put the spin on the subject to suit your target audience. I am afraid that in the authoritarian type environment, such soft skills are probably not appreciated because the party leaders and politicians largely do not need to bother. Just shove things down people's throats and the compliant mainstream media will just happily do so.
My entire career has been in healthcare and I spent a large part of it in customised communications and medicomarketing to help clients communicate their products or creating disease awareness to either healthcare professionals and patients. Regional clients in Taiwan, HK or Australia generally are very particular about such communication materials. In contrast, local and China clients do not bother much with us and prefer more direct methods like interpersonal relation, sponsorships and conferences - something which global counterparts in US / Europe are not quite used to seeing. I suspect that this is very much related to the sociopolitical climate which people are immersed in in these places resulting in a different preference in marketing modus operandi.
Just an interesting bit since you mentioned Tony Tan. I have covered press conferences he gave. All his speeches are delivered to the dot based on the press release provided by the PR company. He has an excellent memory for his delivery and could almost repeat everything verbatim so some of us do feel privately that it is rather boring as everything runs according to script. No controversy, no unexpected stuff. That is also why he never makes a public faux pas.
A post I found from the Facebook who criticized Tan Kin Lian.
I am actually quite amused that ever since the IBs tried stirring up racist hate against Tan Kin Lian's rather factual observation, it had so badly back-fired with many people digging up and sharing all the past racist statements that their political masters have made.
Good job IBs and thank you so much for helping PAP fall while on the payrolls. Keep it up. = =
This is what the majority of Singaporean who hate the PAP are feeling now. They are not just anti PAP, they are also very anti foreigners now.
For me, I had been given many labels from "Foreign Trash" to the worst "Jew of Asia". Just want to highlight what the "30%" of Singaporean feeling right now.
Hi Alex,
ReplyDeleteIt seems like you can't resist any opportunity to tell your life story and achievements again. In almost every blog post, I see some combination of: PR, marketing, acting, languages, gymnastics, ah beng from AMK, 3 scholarships, etc.
I assume you care about pageviews as you have bragged about it before. The flat / down trend of your blog's pageviews contrasts with your blog's popularity in the past. I think this reflects what your blog readers think of your repetitive storytelling.
If you don't care about readership now, then of course feel free to talk to yourself or preach to the choir. Have a nice day.
Puppet, you don't seem to understand how my pageviews work. Let me explain it to you: it shoots up like crazy when I jump on the bandwagon of the hottest topical issue. For example, at the very end of December, we had the whole Gushcloud vs Xiaxue saga - I wrote a few pieces offering my insight into the episode and those proved extremely popular and sure enough, the traffic went through the roof. On the 26 and 27 December, I was getting as much traffic in an hour as I did in 3 days. It's called 'jumping on the bandwagon' - sometimes it is very tempting to do it especially if it is indeed an interesting story, other times it feels like a desperate attempt to try to talk about a popular issue just to get more hits on one's blog.
DeleteFurthermore, what I care about far more than pageviews is my Google Adsense account and frankly, there is very little correlation between the amount of pageviews and how much I get via Google Adsense account. I can't take my 6.5 million views with me to go shopping, but when people click on those ads that appear on my blog, then I get some money. The amount I get seems to be totally random and it boils down to someone accidentally clicking on the wrong part of the screen when they are trying to read my blog on a tablet device whilst standing on a train...
And then there are times when I talk about whatever I wanna talk about, without really caring if anyone will want to read it or not. Why? Because I do enjoy the writing process and if people don't really read it, then I don't mind or care either way. I have some posts that are read by thousands and thousands and others that barely get 100 views - such is the nature of blogging. You can never predict what will become popular and here's a tip Puppet: if you don't like my blog, then please surf away. I'm not here to please you and there are plenty of other blogs out there. I will talk about whatever I like and if that doesn't please you - then too bad, boo hoo hoo, you have no influence over me and I don't give a damn what you think.
At the end of the day, I talk about the topics that are closest to my heart because those are things that I do know a lot about. It is hard for me to talk about things that are not familiar to me - such as nursing - because I am not a nurse and I am in no position to really do a post about the nursing profession. There are people (like my friend Winking Doll) who do blog about nursing and if she saw me try to blog about nursing, she would be aghast at my audacity to write about a topic that I knew nothing about. Likewise if she tried to blog about gymnastics, I would be like, "what do you know about gymnastics?"
LOL. Why don't you go to Xiaxue's blog and ask her to stop talking about herself for a change, eh?
I never asked you to please me. In fact, I said "feel free to..." if you don't care about readership.
DeleteMy point is that you're fond of inserting the *same* stories about your life in almost every blog post, including hot topics. My point is NOT that you should write about topics that you're unfamiliar with, such as nursing. I'm afraid you committed straw man fallacy there.
You try to downplay the importance of pageviews while at the same time focus on your Adsense earnings. This doesn't make sense (pun not intended) because both of them are related. Your Adsense earnings seems random only because your pageviews (which you display publicly) is roughly flat. If your pageviews are trending higher, then more people will be "accidentally clicking on the wrong part of the screen" which translates to higher Adsense earnings.
As for Xiaxue, do you really want to compare yourself with her? I don't bother asking her to stop being self-obsessed because I doubt she can be reasoned with, just like you don't take part in online forums as you feel that trolls can't be reasoned with (or have short attention spans).
If you are not happy with the variety of topics in my blog, then I invite you to surf elsewhere and read someone else's blog. You're not my editor, so I'm not obliged to change the way I write just because you choose to find fault with my style. In short, it's just too bad that you're not happy as I'm not really fussed.
DeleteAs for Adsense - it's hardly going to make a significant difference to my earnings: if only you knew how much I charged per hour when I contract my services as a marketing consultant. I make far more per hour than I do on an average month with Adsense. By that token, that makes my blogging a pretty ineffective way to make money - I do admire people like Xiaxue who are able to make a living from blogging and hats off to her, respect. I do not aspire to do commercialize my blogging and allow me to state the obvious, I write for fun, I write because I enjoy writing - I am not desperately trying to make a few more dollars via Google Adnsense. Heck, if money was that important to me, I would stop blogging altogether and work harder, given that I make far more money through my day job than blogging.
Currently, I get about 2000 to 3000 page views a day. Would my life change significantly if you got bored and pissed off somewhere else to the internet? No, not really. You are more than welcome to fuck off to wherever on the internet you find a lot more interesting and I cordially invite you to fuck right off. Am I really fussed about how many thousands of pageviews I get a day? Again, not really, why? Because I am writing for pleasure - not to chase pageviews or to boost hits, but unless I talk about the stuff I like in the way I like, I won't enjoy it. Thus by that token, I am taking great pleasure in telling you to fuck right off.
As for Xiaxue, I have great respect for that woman. I may not always agree with her, but she has managed to make a living from blogging. She has turned being self-obsessed into an art form. And if she wants to be obsessed with herself, then where else can she do it? I see nothing wrong with what she does and if you don't like what you see, then I have a solution Puppet: fuck off. Simple!
PS. Why don't you get in touch with Kim Kardashian and tell her to stop going on and on about herself? Like getting her butt out to break the internet, like seriously? Oh pullease.
DeleteNewsflash: I have an ego too and I enjoy writing about myself. And if people like you don't like reading about me going on and on about myself, guess what? You can go fuck yourself. Go on then.
Are you kidding me? Puppet, if you do not like a certain type of book at a bookstore, do you pick it up, much less buy it? Or do you write and tell the writer that he is writing the same drivel, book after book? If you do not like the content of Alex's blog, just surf for something else. As a regular reader, I have to admit that not 100% of what he writes interests me. MOST of what he writes does interest me, As a sane and logical person, when it does not interest me, I surf for something else. Isn't that just plain logic? I like J-Crew clothing line, but I can't possibly like everything that J-Crew puts out. Therefore, I pick and choose what I want to look at/try on/consider/purchase. DUH! Don't vex yourself by reading this blog if you feel that the blogger is full of himself. It's his blog, and he can write whatever he wishes. He has no editor. He is not attached to a publisher. Gosh! Get a life.
DeleteHahahahaha. Thanks Di. I like the analogy about not liking a book in a bookstore and shopping at J-Crew. The point is I am surprised that Puppet actually thought that s/he had any influence in the way I would blog by trying to raise the point about my pageviews/Google Adsense.
DeleteWhen I started blogging, I got traffic like 67 views a month and I thought whoopee! There are actually people out there who wanna read what I write! I had no expectations, no targets, no agenda, I just wrote because hey, it's fun to write using this format and I just kept going. Some pieces have been popular, others have been not - but I have never been too bothered about trying to please anyone apart from myself in terms of what I write.
Otherwise... it would turn into a job. I already have that - a job where I am answerable to someone, a boss, when I exchange my services for money. On the contrary, this is a hobby - one which I do for fun, If I start turning it into a job where I am completely dependent on getting a certain number of hits/pageviews a month, then I don't think I would enjoy it anymore.
As for Puppet's assertion that I am talking to myself here - oh pullease. I can disappear off on holiday in Spain and not write a thing for a whole week and there are still around 2000 hits a day in that period - these are people coming to read the articles I have written in the past because they contain useful information. And like I said, the figures vary greatly, when I jump on a bandwagon of a hot topic, it shoots up. When there's no bandwagon to jump on, it hovers around 2000 - 3000 a day, which is fine by me really because that has already exceeded my expectations.
Thanks again Di :)
Your "taking great pleasure in telling (me) to fuck right off" is rather naive because I never asked you to please me in the first place, as I've said earlier. Must I say it again? (The same applies to Di Talasi.)
DeleteHow should I put it to you? Hopefully this analogy helps.
Alan forgets to zip his pants in public. Bob tells him so and Alan feels embarrased.
Alan: If you don't like to see my crotch, then just fuck off and don't see it! It's my pants – you don't tell me how I should wear it!
Bob: Don't you care about your modesty?
Alan: To be frank, I care far more about my professional reputation and my zipper is so inconsequential. I am proud of my large dick and if you don't like men who show off their dicks, why don't you tell Calvin Klein to take down their advertisements?
Bob: Well, then be prepared to be judged by the public.
Alan: I don't give a damn what you or the public thinks.
You can write whatever you want on your blog, but telling me to "fuck off", or to ask Kim Kardashian to be more discreet, etc. are all red herrings that won't change the fact that your metaphorical pants isn't zipped.
Do you get my point now? Or do you still scream "fuck off my blog!" like a fucking petulant child?
P.S. Let me remind you of a word of wisdom you often used in your previous blog posts: don't shoot the messenger.
Delete(Taking a deep breath, trying my best to be civil).
Delete1. As Di explained, you are more than welcome to write in to anyone from J-Crew to McDonald's and Starbucks to journalists to writers you don't like and tell them that they have failed you in terms of the quality you had come to expect. Whether or not you can realistically expect to influence them depends a lot on whether they take your opinion seriously. Take J-Crew for example: if an influential fashion critic or fashion designer found fault with their 2015 spring-summer collection, then fine, the management at J-Crew will sit up and think, "okay, if this expert's opinion is that we are heading in the wrong direction, then we should reconsider what we are doing and redefine our strategy." But if it is just one customer who didn't like the clothes in their latest collection, then they are mostly likely going to ignore that one unhappy customer given that they have thousands of other customers.
2. By that token, I am treating you as an unhappy customer who is free to desert my blog and piss off to somewhere else on the internet. I don't know who you are, I don't give a damn what you think, I don't respect your opinion and thus you have ZERO influence over the way I blog.
3. With that J-Crew in mind, let's just keep things simple: kindly fuck in the general direction of off. Yes you heard me, fuck off because I don't give a shit about your opinion. You have not won my respect so why should I give a fuck what you have to say? For all I know, you're a 40-year old virgin idiot loser who has nothing better to do than to pick fights with random strangers on the internet. You don't like my blog, that's fine - I can live with that. But if you expect me to change the way I write because you're unhappy with me, then you're seriously delusional.
4. I've checked the data on the Pageviews on the blog (it is presented to me somewhat differently as the blogger) but as the reader, you are only looking at the recent data - not the long term trend. The huge spike you have seen reflects the period after xmas 2014 when I jumped on the Xiaxue vs Gushcloud bandwagon. That's called the bandwagon effect, it happens every time I cover a topical current issue that my Singaporean readers are keen to read about. You are in fact looking at the last month's data (essentially Jan 2015), not the data that covers the period from back in 2011 when I started blogging. So you're completely jumping to the wrong conclusions because you have misread the data anyway.
5. In case you haven't got the message, kindly fuck off. Thank you for your visit.
CNY game: Down a shot every time the word "fuck" appears.
DeleteHey Puppet.
DeleteLIFT can be a bit of a windbag. OK, sometimes more than a bit.
Just do what I do - if what you're reading interests you, read on. If it seems like you're reading the same drivel for the umpteenth time, fast forward.
Problem solved.
This is his blog, and if he feels like retelling the story of how he transformed from an AMK Ah Beng to a UK Foreign Talent and translate it in fucking Belgian, he should feel free to do so. No amount of complaining is going to change that.
Hi Roger, I feel the same way about (insert name of celebrity - let's take Jay Z for example) ... so what do I do when I feel that all of Jay Z's songs sound the same? Perhaps I should write to him and complain, maybe he will listen to me and either stop making music or change his style...
DeleteOr I could just change the radio station if they ever play a Jay Z song.
It is my right to hate Jay Z's music of course, but there's nothing I do do to stop him from making even more awful albums.
DeleteJust to be clear, I don't hate all your stuff. In fact I agree with a lot of it. I just would have put it in as few words as possible. But I'm a web developer and a programmer geek. Minimum input, maximum output. It's a personal preference, probably shaped by my industry.
No hard feelings, yo.
Roger, let's put it this way.
DeleteWe have people who prefer to read Tweets which are limited to 140 characters.
We also have people who like to read very thick books.
We have people who prefer to watch Vine videos which are limited to 6 seconds.
And then there are people who would gladly settle down to a 2 hour long movie.
There isn't a right or wrong - different people have different attention spans and isn't it great that we have something for everyone thanks to the internet? If you have a shorter attention span, then please go to Twitter and Vine where nothing you consume is over 140 characters or over 6 seconds long.
If you come here, then you're clearly barking up the wrong tree.
Twitter is not for me. I do have a Twitter account but I hardly tweet as I find it impossible to say what I wanna say in under 140 characters. It's not in my nature to express myself in that few words.
But if Twitter is for you, then go for it - loads of people are super active on Twitter.
Given what you have told me about you, then clearly you're baring up the wrong tree by coming to not just my blog, but anyone's blog. Perhaps you should stick to Twitter and Vine instead, that would be far more suited for your preferences.
No hard feelings - I'm just telling you to pick social media experiences that cater for your tastes.
No, I think I'm at the right tree. I do gain value from reading your writing - it's just that I tend to fast-forward. And I'm not gonna suggest you change your style of writing at all - it's YOUR blog, mate.
DeleteYou're real. Long-winded maybe, but real.
I think Puppet is a troll with too much time on his/her hands. And Piggy, let's get shot! Lol.
ReplyDeleteI think you're a fan of Alex who is too blind to see any flaw in him. It seems like a "troll" to you is anyone who disagrees with you / Alex.
DeleteOh look, I have both fans and trolls after me on my blog. Keep it coming, I love the attention. If I was so boring and no one was interested in me blabbering on about myself, then I wouldn't have fans and trolls having this discussion here. LOL. Don't like what I write? Feel free to desert my blog and go read something else more interesting on the internet.
DeleteAs I have said, if I am not interested in a particular topic on this blog, I surf elsewhere. I understand that it is a personal blog, and as such, it is very subjective. I am not at all interested in Xiaxue, and until recently I did not even know who she was. Now that I do know, I would not read her crap, so I don't. I wouldn't visit her blog and tell her that she is full of herself, Why? Because she never made me read her blog. I wouldn't troll her. She is entitled to write whatever she wants. She knows what she is doing. It's not her problem that I find her vapid and insipid. By the same token, if you do not like what Alex is writing, you can go elsewhere. It's just plain logic.
DeleteTbh I do share your sentiments about Alex. But then again Alex is right. This is his blog, and if you don't like it you are free to read something else.
I do find Alex a little bit narcissistic, immature and petulant from the things he say (perhaps even some inferior complex mixed in? not sure I'm no psychologist). But I also value some other insights that he share. Those that I don't like I raise an eyebrow and move on. And if there's something that I really feel like I should comment on I would do so (think I've only done that 2 or 3 times since i started reading from from 2 years back).
Do I keep on hanging around and arguing? Using your own analogy it seems that you are continuing the argument with the person with his zipper down. Not that I agree with your analogy though - this has nothing to do with Alex's dignity at all.
Move on. Unless you secretly enjoy being antagonistic then I guess enjoy while you can before Alex starts banning your replies altogether. As it is he's game enough to post your less than pleasant comments thus far, but all patience have limits.
@Di - thanks for your kind comments and support once again my friend. I think my greatest worry when I started this blog is that I could spend many hours writing and not have anyone bother to read my labour of love. As it is, I have fans, trolls and people on HWZ talking about me. Perhaps it's a kind of "love me or hate me, but you can't ignore me" situation: I don't mind if people don't agree with what I write or don't even like what I write - as long as they read it. And after that, fine they're entitled to their opinion, sure. And if I was really such an awful writer, then people wouldn't even bother. Trust me, I've seen bad blogs and I just close the window to cut my loses as I have better things to do than to read bad writing. That's just how it is on the internet.
Delete@Powell. Thanks for your honesty. I think it takes a lot of guts to put yourself out there the way I have and talk about yourself - you then lay yourself out for judgement and people may react favourably, others may not and sometimes you get a mixed review (as with you). As I've been extremely honest, I have had a very, very messed up childhood so there is definitely an element of inferior complex along with so many other things that came out of that very messed up childhood. You don't walk away from a childhood like that a perfectly happy and content, well-balanced adult, so yeah, I'd be surprised if I gave you that impression. I never claimed to be Mr Perfect (read my next post where I admit to even more flaws to my own character) - but what I do claim is that I am at least smart enough to learn from my mistakes and I talk about them, so that at least my readers can see what lessons I have learnt from the process and perhaps avoid the same mistakes themselves.
That is the kind of honesty I offer on my blog - and if you don't like the way I come across... then there are plenty of other websites on the internet. Why hang around and pick a fight?
And hey, I am a real person. I have friends I see, I have people I work with, I have neighbours, and of course, there are people on my blog I do know well outside my blog (such as Di Talasi and Choaniki) - there is clearly an hierarchy of people when it comes to those who have the power to influence me. You want me to take your opinion seriously, then you have to work your way up that hierarchy of people I trust and respect. I have absolutely no idea whom this Puppet character is - I don't even know if s/he is male or female. How do you expect me to take this person seriously when I know that little about this person?
Oh and I am giving Puppet the benefit of the doubt for now - I suspect that s/he is actually really, really young, like 14 or something. That's why s/he is so naive.
Fully agree with you.
DeleteWe may not see eye to eye on everything but there is no reason why things cannot be civil regarding our differences. Fact that I keep coming back to your blog is evidence that I do think you are a good social commentator - much better than most if not all of the Singaporean bloggers. If I want to read something that I fully agree with all the time I'll be talking to myself in the mirror.
Here's wishing you a wonderful CNY (if you are even celebrating it wherever you are) ahead.