Sunday 20 January 2013

Belgium photos part 1: Eurostar & Liege/Luik

The city of Liege (in French & English), Luik (in Dutch)

Hi all, as promised, here are some photos from my recent stint in Belgium. I've been so busy and stressed out from work so apologies for the delay in posting these on my blog. I'm quite tired right now, so I am just doing part 1 of the photos. There will be more soon - I took so many photos, I need to sort them.
The Eurostar train connects London to Brussels in 2 hours. 
As the train was in the Euro tunnel. 
Getting fed on the train! 
Even Lawrence gets his own seat. 
Liege cathedral. 
Naughty ice cream at night in Liege 
In Liege
English, French, German, Dutch and Walloon languages 
Do you know why this rocket is significant to the Belgians?
In Liege - picturesque little alleys
Liege train station 


  1. I do not know how to Email you so via reply...

    I have a question: PAP proudly announced new measure to increase Singapore birth rate.
    How come nobody seems to notice that "not married" or "divorced" woman do not get any support?

    So Singaporean man leaves his woman and child, remarries and, in comparison to European alimony, pays near to nothing to his ex wife and child.
    The woman on the other hand falls between all the cracks.

    Is this normal?

    Why not highlight this in one of your blogs?

    1. Hi James, there's no way to email me as explained here:

      I don't know enough about divorced women in Singapore to talk about their situation, but I will have an ask around and see if I can find someone to interview okay?
